Congress, 2001-2004
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Congressman Rothman on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2001 giving a powerful 15-minute history of the modern Middle East
Congressman Rothman presents Congressional Certificate to His Holiness Acharaya Swamishree at the Grand Opening of the Shree Swaninarayan Hindu Temple in Secaucus, New Jersey, 2001
Jack Drakeford, Steve Rothman and Richard Sheffield, 2001
Photo of spontaneous singing of “God Bless America” post press conference to the American People on U.S. Capitol steps, September 11, 2001
Congressman Rothman visits Ground Zero with President George W. Bush, September 14, 2001
Golden Phragmites Award for Congressman Rothman’s efforts to save the Hackensack Meadowlands, September 9, 2001
Congressional newsletter advising that Rothman had secured the cooperation of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to save and protect the last 8,400 acres of undeveloped land in the Hackensack Meadowlands, December 2001
Congressman Rothman Leads Local Officials and Community Leaders in Opposing the Use of Larger Jets and the Noisiest Airplanes at Teterboro Airport, December 2001
Record newspaper article on Congressman Rothman’s efforts to save the Hackensack Meadowlands, May 30, 2002
Front page of newsletter from Congressman Rothman to His Constituents about his continuing efforts in the Hackensack Meadowlands, August 2002
Congressman Rothman 2002 reelection brochure on his efforts to save the last 8,400 acres of undeveloped land in the Hackensack Meadowlands, October 2002
Congressman Rothman 2002 reelection brochure on his efforts to save the last 8,400 acres of undeveloped land in the Hackensack Meadowlands, October 2002
Congressman Rothman 2002 reelection brochure on his efforts to save the last 8,400 acres of undeveloped land in the Hackensack Meadowlands, October 2002
Congressman Rothman 2002 reelection brochure on his efforts to save the last 8,400 acres of undeveloped land in the Hackensack Meadowlands, October 2002
At a news conference, Congressman Rothman announces passage of his two bills to help people around Teterboro Airport, one prohibiting big jets from operating there and another preventing scheduled passenger air service, Summer 2002
Congressman Rothman in 2002
Sarah Brady, wife of Reagan Press Secretary James Brady, who was shot in an assassination attempt on the President, and Chairwoman of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Handgun Control, Inc., endorses Congressman Rothman for reelection, Hackensack, October 26, 2002
Congressman Rothman reelection campaign brochure, 2002
Congressman Rothman responds to question at Town Hall Listening Session, 2002
Congressman Rothman speaking at Town Hall Listening Session, 2002
Congressman Rothman at Washington D.C. press conference with Malachy McAllister, c. 2002
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama greets Congressman Rothman at the U.S. Capitol to thank him for sponsoring the just-passed House Resolution in support of Tibet and Human Rights, September 10, 2003
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama poses with Congressman Rothman at the U.S. Capitol as he thanks the Congressman for sponsoring the just-passed House Resolution in support of Tibet and Human Rights, September 10, 2003
National Journal article on Congressman Rothman’s efforts to save the Hackensack Meadowlands, November 15, 2003
August 2004 Listening Session Schedule for constituents
2004 National Grand Heron Award from the North American Waterfowl Management Plan for Significant Contributions to Waterfowl and Wetland Conservation
Congressman Rothman reelection campaign brochure, 2004
Congressman Rothman reelection campaign bumper sticker, 2004
Congressman Rothman addresses DNC, 2004